Yesterday was October 31st.
In Ecuador, it's just another day. The end of yet another month.
In America, well, we all know what goes down.
Personally, I don't really celebrate Halloween and have never understood the hype. BUT, the director of our school explained that since Halloween is a hugely popular American tradition and since part of our role at CECAMI is to share our culture, she wanted Ashley and I to host Halloween parties in our classes.
I had no idea what sort of reaction to expect from my students. Halloween is not a thing in Ecuador by any means and I just kept imagining the whole thing going south quickly.
To "encourage" my students to participate and come to class in costumes, I promised 5 extra points on their final exam.
It's truly wondrous what bonus points can do to a person. At 8am on Monday morning, I was greeted by the following sight:
I was completely taken aback by the lengths my student went to for an 1 1/2 hour Halloween party at their supplemental English class. I honestly think some of my students spent more time on their makeup than the actual length of the party!
If you would like to see pictures of myself and Ashley in our costumes along with pictures from our Halloween scavenger hunt and the afternoon class' costumes, just click here!
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