Saturday, June 26, 2010

Setting the stage...

I spent a great deal of time pondering over an appropriate first sentence for this blog. I couldn't quite shut off the voice of my college professor elaborating on the importance of "pulling the reader in" with that opening line , or how the success (or demise) of our piece weighed on that first phrase. (Somehow, writing our own "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." eluded us for the entirety of the semester.) Well, thankfully, I've graduated and seeing as "blogs" exist outside the official genres of literature, I feel like I can breathe a little easier and take myself a little less seriously. The sole purpose of this blog is to keep everyone informed of all that befalls me during my time "down under." I'm afraid there won't be any deep insights or intellectual rambling going on (although there may be a bit sprinkled about), just a log of my daily events. I'll do my best to be fun and engaging and I hope, in a way, we'll all be taking this trip together. So let's begin...
...The journey actually began about 6 months ago when I tenuously shipped off my application to Macquarie University only half-believing that anything would come of it. It was a good school and its program (Master's in Children's Literature) was considerably cheaper than those offered by its American counterparts. So I thought, why not? I could save money, get my Master's and have the opportunity to live abroad for a year. What's not to love?
To my surprise, less than a month later, I received an email congratulating me on my acceptance into the program. Check. Now how was I going to finance this little escapade? Fortunately, Macquarie is known for its terrific scholarship program, and within days I had submitted another application. This one to qualify me for the Macquarie University International Scholarship--a full-tuition scholarship awarded to international students in each discipline. Seeing as I was a Theatre major applying for a Master's program largely populated by educators and publishers I figured my chances were pretty slim. The fact that I wouldn't know the outcome of the scholarship until the beginning of June didn't help matters as I would definitely need time to arrange airfare and secure my student visa.
As the months passed by, my hopes of attending Macquarie were gradually pushed off the table and I started looking into teaching theatre stateside or perhaps finally putting my TEFL training to good use. And then, one day near the end of May (by this time I was dead set on heading off to teach in Brazil) I received another congratulatory email. This one telling me that I had received the scholarship and would need to accept by June 1st.
The next few weeks were a flurry of activity as I scrambled to re-adjust to the fact that I was going to Australia after all. Visas had to be applied for, tickets bought, housing arranged, paperwork filled out. Amidst the chaos was the additional issue of securing a student loan to cover things like textbooks and room and board. Having recently paid off my undergrad loans I was extremely hesitant (to say the least) about borrowing any amount of money.
So I did what any self-respecting, penny-pinching student would do, I started to look for a job. Granted I still had about a month and half before departing the country, but it wouldn't hurt to look, right? Well, it just so happened that my over-eagerness paid off as I came across an opening for a boarding resident assistant for a local girls' day and boarding school. In exchange for supervising the residents on the weekends, I would receive full room and board and a (very) modest weekly stipend. I actually waited almost two weeks before deciding to apply as I wasn't sure that I qualified. To make a short story shorter, I was contacted by the head of boarding two days ago and offered the position.
And that brings us to the present. With everything as settled as it can be before actually arriving and a little over three weeks until I climb onto a massive Boeing 747 for the longest flight of my life. (Actually, it's two flights but with a total flight time of 22 hours! Needless to say, I suspect there will be an alarming amount of sleep-inducing drugs in my carry-on).
Looking back over these past few months and the uncanny way in which everything fell into place, I can't help but feel a sense of peace. True, I am soon to head off into the great unknown to a country I know mainly from TV and movies. But I can't help but believe that someone knows exactly what He's doing. :o)